MEET bryce

I am originally from the metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia, but came out to California for college. I attended Fresno Pacific and was a part of the swim team where I met my lovely wife Matlyn. I've never thought about a career in videography, until my wife encouraged me to try something creative. I spent my first year finding my true calling and learning that I love the creativeness and attention to detail video provides. Taking a bunch of video clips and weaving them together to create intricate stories that people will look back on for years is what I fell in love with. Making videos isn't always easy but I enjoy the challenge, hard work, and dedication it takes to make it. God has a special plan for all of us and for me I believe he called me to craft stories for people to share.

Central Valley California videographer


"Intricately crafted for those who wants an epic story"

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in no particular order


video games


my dogs

I grew up playing video games of all kinds and I believe it has helped my video skills. I like to play my Play Station 5 and computer games with friends. I enjoy RPGs because they allow me to escape into a story.

I enjoy traveling to new places with my wife. We enjoy going to new beaches and new sceneries. Our favorite places to go are San Diego, Arizona, and anything tropical. We wish to travel to Europe soon and enjoy beautiful art and delicious food.

I grew up with a dog and knew I wanted some of my own. We got Harley in our first year of marriage and knew she needed a little sister a couple years later. We then got Willow and they are best friends.  I enjoy watching them play at the park and beach as well as cuddle with them on the couch and watch tv. 

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